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Outline of operation

tefPAY acts as an intermediary between your charges and the bank in a safely way, managing the data to process the payments.

esquema del proceso de las transacciones tefpay

tefPAY's payment gateway integration into your site

La integración del sistema tefPAY's system integration into your site is very simple.
tefPAY provides an API (ApplicationPprogramming Interface) with code examples that will facilitate the implementation of the service.

ejemplo pasarela de pago tefpay, tpv virtual

Compatible with plugin. (Woocomerce from Wordpress, VirtueMart from Joomla, Ubercart, Magento, Prestashop, Oscommerce, Zen-Cart, OpenCart)

Our support team will assist you throughout the process of integration and implementation.

¿How operations are managed?

They are handled with the utmost security for our customers. The money is deposited directly into your merchant bank account of any entity.

Failure to have a merchant account, contact us, we will help in the processing and availability of the same.

Transaction security

  • Complying with regulations PCI/DSS
  • Processing transactions 3D Secure and other anti-fraud security systems
  • Best practice in securitization and encryption data

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